Bird surveys & nest finding

Locating birds and finding their nests for conservation, ecological studies and photography.

All species of birds surveyed

I provide training courses for NRW staff to identify forest birds

Guided tutorials & courses to identify birds, their songs and calls

Tuition in nest finding (in compliance with the BTO Nest Finding Scheme)

A large selection of bird and nest photographs available to buy (excluding Schedule 1 Birds), price on request

All my work is carried out under licence and with landowner's permission

BBC SpringWatch on the Gower with Mark Payne-Gill

I'm Paul Haffield, living and working, mainly in South Wales.

I've been studying birds for nearly 55 years, spending thousands of hours learning their different behaviours and calls.

During these years I've become very good at locating and identifying birds. Firstly locating suitable habitat for specific species, then by observation and calls I am able to locate their nests.

I'm fully qualified in tree climbing and tree rescue, climbing to tree located nests to monitor clutch sizes, then proceed to count numbers of hatched eggs and fledged young, to determine an accurate figure of breeding success.

The Last Wilderness, Cambrian Mountains with Iolo Williams

Some nests I've climbed to

Please click the pictures to see larger versions.

NRW (Natural Resources Wales) on a regular basis , under contract, carrying out bird survey work to establish  occupancy and breeding status of certain birds within our Welsh forests and also training NRW employees to identify birds and their calls.

Local authorities, again under contract, carrying out bird survey work to locate nests during the bird breeding season.  To avoid any disturbance which could be caused during proposed construction work.

I have regularly been contracted by BBC's SpringWatch to find specific bird nests for filming, which have appeared on BBC Television.

Surveys done for the farming community in relation to grant schemes for set aside land.

The National Trust, surveying the impact of land recreation on the birds whose nesting habitat could be affected.

ADEN film company with Iolo Williams, finding specified nests within the chosen filming locations in Wales. 

South Wales Peregrine Monitoring Group, locating Peregrine eyries, carrying out all climbing work and nest monitoring, from the 90's-2000's.

Locating Red Kite nests and climbing for the Red Kite Trust, for monitoring and conservation purposes.

Finding and fitting cameras on Honey Buzzard nests in Wales, for research and also for television. (The One Show, BBC).

Gallery of some of my work

Please click the pictures to see larger versions.